Houseplants Safe For Dogs: 10 Houseplants Your Dog Can’t Eat.

Dogs and houseplants? Sounds like a match made in heaven, doesn’t it?

They are both small, loveable creatures that can brighten up your life. But if you have houseplants in your home, you need to be aware of one important thing: some plants are toxic to dogs.

While most people aren’t exactly sure which plants are harmful, they do know that some plants should be kept away from pets or even removed from the home entirely.

While dogs can be wonderful companions and family pets, no dog owner wants to see his or her dog in pain.

Unfortunately, this is the result of many common houseplants that are toxic when ingested by a dog.

Even though your dog may have never had an interest in eating your plants, it only takes one time for him to make a terrible mistake.

In order to avoid any accidents, it’s important for all dog owners to be aware of the plants that are toxic to their pets. Here are ten of the most common non-toxic houseplants that you can include in your home.

1. Succulents

These types of indoor plants are very popular because they require little water and maintenance. Plus, they’re aesthetically pleasing to the eye with their vibrant colors and unique shapes.

However, many succulents, such as the aloe vera plant, contain a potentially toxic substance to dogs. This non-toxic houseplant is non-toxic and won’t harm your pet if ingested.

2. Spider Plant

If you love spider plants but have pets in your home, you can rest easy that your dog is safe from harm. Spider plants are non-toxic and a great choice for a houseplant.

3. African Violets

African violets can make a wonderful addition to any room in the home with their pleasant appearance and calming color. These non-toxic indoor plants also serve a purpose in helping purify the air in your home.

4. English Ivy

English ivy is one of the most common non-toxic houseplants because it has a variety of uses. The non-toxic indoor plant can be used as ground cover, in hanging baskets, or in large decorative pots.

It’s non-toxic to both humans and animals, so you can have peace of mind that your English ivy will be just fine even if your dog decides to take a bite out of it.

5. Peace Lily

If you are looking for non-toxic indoor plants, the peace lily is a great option. This plant is not only non-toxic to dogs, but it’s also one of the best air purifying plants available.

The peace lily is easy to care for and has large leaves that make a bold statement in any room.

6. Boston Fern

Boston ferns are a beautiful non-toxic houseplant that can be used to decorate any room in your home.

They require high humidity and indirect light, so they’re perfect for bathrooms, kitchens, or other areas of the home where humidity is high and direct sunlight is not available.

7. Philodendron

If you are looking for a non-toxic houseplant that is easy to care for, the philodendron is a perfect choice. This trailing plant does well in hanging baskets or pots and can be grown indoors or outdoors.

8. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent that is non-toxic to dogs, humans, and other animals. It’s a non-toxic indoor plant that requires little care and thrives in sunny locations with well-draining soil.

This non-toxic houseplant is an excellent addition to any home because it can serve multiple purposes.

9. Spider Plant

The non-toxic spider plant is an excellent choice for a hanging basket or pot. It’s non-toxic to both animals and humans and is easy to care for.

10. Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm is a non-toxic houseplant that is perfect for low-light areas. This plant does well in bathrooms, kitchens, or any other area of the home where it can get little sunlight.


Q: Are all succulents safe for dogs?

A: No, some succulents contain a potentially toxic substance to dogs.

Q: What are some other non-toxic houseplants that I can include in my home?

A: Some other non-toxic houseplants include the spider plant, African violet, English ivy, peace lily, Boston fern, philodendron, and bamboo palm.

Q: What are some common signs of plant poisoning in dogs?

A: Some common signs of plant poisoning in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and seizures. If you think your dog has been poisoned, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

Q: What is the most common plant to poison dogs? 

A: The most common houseplant to be poisonous for a dog is poinsettias. However, the number of pet poisoning cases related to poinsettia has declined significantly since their toxicity was discovered.

Even if they are not the most dangerous plants, you should still keep them out of reach of your dog to be safe.

Q: Where is the aloe vera plant poisonous? 

A: The aloe vera plant can cause mild stomach upset when it’s ingested, but overall the non-toxic houseplant is not poisonous for your pet.

Q: Are peace lilies toxic to dogs? 

A: Peace lilies are not poisonous to dogs, but are considered toxic to cats. If you have both a dog and cat in your home, the peace lily is one of the best non-toxic houseplants because it’s safe for both pets.

Q: Is it safe for dogs to eat spider plants? 

A: Spider plants are not poisonous or toxic to dogs. You can rest easy knowing your dog is safe if it decides to snack on a spider plant.

Q: Where do I get more information? 

A: You can check out the full list of houseplants that are non-toxic for dogs here.

Q: Is air purifying bamboo palm toxic to pets? 

A: The bamboo palm is not poisonous, but might cause mild stomach upset if ingested. Overall, it’s a non-toxic house plant that is safe for your dog to have in the home.

Q: Is Peace Lily poisonous? 

A: The peace lily has a mild laxative effect when ingested and can cause vomiting or diarrhea. However, overall the non-toxic houseplant is not considered poisonous to dogs.

Q: What are the benefits of bamboo palm for dogs?

A: The bamboo palm is non-toxic and has air purifying properties, so it’s a great houseplant choice if you want something that will keep the air quality in your home high while also making sure your dog doesn’t have any adverse effects from chewing or ingesting it.