7 Tricks To Stop Your Dog From Eating House Plants

Dogs are curious by nature and will often explore their surroundings by tasting everything they can get their paws on. This includes house plants, many of which are poisonous to dogs. By dog-proofing your plants, you can keep your dog safe and your plants intact.  

While eating house plants is often harmless in small amounts, some of the most common types are poisonous to dogs. 

Young puppies frequently chew on or eat things without having any harmful effects. However, as they get older their metabolisms change and they may start to experience the effects of plant poisoning, which can include vomiting, diarrhea, and even organ failure. 

There are several types of common house plants that can be poisonous to dogs, so it’s important to dog-proof your home.

1) The Peace Lily is a popular indoor plant because it’s easy to care for. Unfortunately, the Peace Lily is also highly toxic to dogs and cats. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but ingesting even a small amount can cause intense vomiting.

2) The Dutchman’s Pipe, also known as the “Aristolochia” is a popular climbing vine that can easily overtake your home if left unattended. All parts of this plant are poisonous to dogs and contain toxins that will affect their systems similar to antifreeze poisoning.  

3) Dieffenbachia is a common indoor plant that is often found in offices and homes. It’s easy to care for and has pretty white-and-green leaves. However, the sap of this plant is highly toxic to dogs and can cause severe skin irritation and mouth blisters.

4) Philodendrons are a popular type of indoor plant because they are so easy to care for. They come in several shapes and sizes and can be either a climbing vine or a bushy plant. However, all parts of the Philodendron are poisonous to dogs and can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

5) The Caladium is another popular houseplant that is often found in homes and offices. Like dogs of the Peace Lily, ingesting even small amounts of this plant can lead to vomiting or seizures.

6) The Sago Palm is one of the most dangerous plants for pets. All parts of this plant are extremely toxic and ingestion can cause permanent liver damage in dogs within just a few hours. Even pieces of the plant that have been chewed on can be poisonous.

7) The Aloe Vera plant is a popular houseplant for its medicinal properties. While it is not poisonous to dogs, it can cause stomach upset and diarrhea if ingested in large amounts.

If you have plants in your home that are poisonous to dogs, there are several things you can do to keep them safe.

If your dog is eating plants, there are a few things you can do to stop them. Here are seven tricks:

1) Put the plants out of reach. 

Place plants on high shelves or in cabinets where your dog can’t reach them.

2) Use dog-proof containers. 

If you can’t move the plants, put them in dog-proof containers such as heavy ceramic pots with tight-fitting lids.

3) Train your dog not to eat plants. 

When you catch your dog eating a plant, say “No” in a firm voice and give them a toy or treat to distract them.

4) Use deterrents. 

There are a number of deterrents you can use to keep your dog from eating plants, including hot sauce, citrus peels, or vinegar.

5) Plant dog-safe plants. 

If you can’t keep your dog away from plants, try planting dog-safe plants such as aloe vera, English ivy, or lavender.

6) Give your dog a plant to chew on. 

Some dogs will stop eating plants if they are given a safe plant to chew on.

7) Consult your vet. 

If you’re concerned about your dog eating plants, consult your vet to see if there is a medical reason for their behavior.

By following these tips, you can help keep your dog safe from the dangers of eating plants. For more information, contact your veterinarian.