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  1. High School Biology: class as an experiment

    LINK: evolgen: High School Biology Oh no, am I going to be lone wolf in the darkness to say I had a great time in high school and college intro biology?!?! BUT Maybe it was because I was one of those affirmative action students, the brown kind...
    Tracked on: the dubious biologist ( at 2006 01 05 16:33:41
  2. Biology class

    First, there’s a great New York Times column about evolution: Why I’m Happy I Evolved Then Pharyngula comments on it and asks about today’s biology classes: What was your high school biology like? And Thoughts from Kansas writes a ...
    Tracked on: Florida Citizens for Science ( at 2006 01 05 14:29:18
  3. High School Biology

    PZ Myers (and others) had a different experience in high school biology than I did. When I first arrived in high school I had aspirations of becoming a screen writer (growing up in Los Angeles does that to you). I took biology in 9th grade (freshman ...
    Tracked on: evolgen ( at 2006 01 05 13:37:17
  4. Biology class

    When I told my high school colleagues that I planned to major in biology, almost all of them (and their parents) said something to the effect of: "Oh, I really liked biology, but it was always too much memorization." While I'm prepared to argue ab...
    Tracked on: Thoughts from Kansas ( at 2006 01 05 09:27:15
  5. Science is Utterly Wet

    Posting has been (relatively) light this week because today was the first day of classes. I'm teaching introductory modern physics (relativity and quantum mechanics), a class that I've taught before, but I've been putting a significant amount of time into...
    Tracked on: Uncertain Principles ( at 2006 01 05 06:24:06

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