- Lineages
PZ Myers has a meme with a few questions exploring blog lineages:
1. Who was your blogfather, or blogmother, as the case may be. Just one please - the one blog that, more than any other, inspired you to start blogging. Please don't name Instapundi...
Tracked on: tangledbank ( at 2005 10 26 01:16:39
- With Blog As My Witness
Interesting bit going on over in Pharyngula Land.
So it's probably time for me to give my props out...my inspiration was...
Tracked on: tangledbank ( at 2005 10 25 11:22:55
- Blogfamily
1) Crooked Timber 2) May Day 2004 3) I don't know of any, maybe MoonOverPittsburgh? What am I talking about? Via Pharyngula, the Who's Your Daddy project at The Politburo Diktat. The task is to list who inspired you to...
Tracked on: tangledbank ( at 2005 10 25 10:53:46