PZ Myers. 2006 Jan 04. The Tangled Bank and other goodies. <http://pharyngula.org/index/weblog/the_tangled_bank_and_other_goodies/>. Accessed 2006 May 15.

Posted on M00o93H7pQ09L8X1t49cHY01Z5j4TT91fGfr on Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Tangled Bank and other goodies

The Tangled Bank

Tangled Bank #44 is now online at Afarensis.

A few other noteworthy links that might be of interest to readers here. The Carnival of the Liberals #3 is at Science and Politics, and the Skeptics' Circle is looking for submissions for an edition that will be out tomorrow.

It's that time of year when weblogging awards pop up all over the place. Nominations are now open for the 2005 Medical Weblog Awards and the Sixth Annual Weblog Awards (the "Bloggies"). The Koufax nominations are closed; Pharyngula and the Panda's Thumb received several nominations, so now we just wait to see if they make it to the list of final candidates. The gang at Wampum are looking for donations to help them through the time-consuming process.

Feeling literary? Science Creative Quarterly is having a Flower Mandala contest. Get inspired by some beautiful botanical images, write something, win a prize!

Posted by PZ Myers on 01/04 at 09:32 AM
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