
Pharyngula has moved to

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

They can quantify that?

I'm sluttier than Majikthise: 25.31% vs. 6.02%. Sean reports that Cosmic Variance has a negative slut value, which prompts me to say this about physicists: NERDS!!!!.

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#54474: — 12/20  at  05:59 PM
Squid smut shouldn't count...

#54478: Sean — 12/20  at  06:10 PM

#54483: — 12/20  at  06:17 PM
Some people who have you beat:

Jessica Simpson: 96.74%
Brittany Spears: 85.34%
Jenna Bush: 61.81%
Barry White: 60.57%
Christina Aguilera: 46.15%
Courtney Love: 40.44% (That can't be right!)
David Hasselhoff: 40%

You are sluttier than Ben Affleck, though, at 22.9%.

#54484: — 12/20  at  06:19 PM
I think it's malfunctioning because I got a 49.42!

#54497: Alon Levy — 12/20  at  06:54 PM
Alon Levy is 1.01% slutty; is 17.89% slutty; and is 10.7% slutty.

#54500: coturnix — 12/20  at  07:03 PM
25.77% (150 / 582), a tad sluttier than you. I used the URL, though. The word 'coturnix' clocks at only 7.47%, which is still sluttier than Lindsay!

#54501: ekzept — 12/20  at  07:05 PM
that thing about physicists (and engineers) is probably right: my got:
Promiscuity: 1.33% (1 / 75)

's avatar #54502: — 12/20  at  07:07 PM
Wait, I feel an incoming insult... There! As an exphysicist I must of course immediately reject that piece of unjustified statement.

First off, physicists, unlike biologists, can actually use negative values. Second, negative slut-values means that Google lies. You can use a lie to justify anything much as a division of zero means that you can prove anything.

Oh, er... that was a couple of nerdy things to say. Darn! So I will jump directly to the finish. As any biologist should know, individual intelligence correlates strongly with sex drive in humans. So comparatively, physicists are just as needy grin as biologists. Plus they have the advantage of appreciating beautiful curves whereever they are to be found.

So there!

#54504: — 12/20  at  07:14 PM
Just for fun:

Discovery Institute- 1.68%
Michael Behe- 3.38%
Intelligent Design 3.3%

's avatar #54518: — 12/20  at  07:55 PM
Ooops... I acidentally read my own post (I usually refrain, since I seem to have read identical stuff earlier) and nerdspotted an error: it should be 'division _by_ zero', of course.

"Must watch those prepositions, they are small and easily misplaced. Must watch those ..."

#54530: — 12/20  at  08:42 PM
Holy crap! Pat Robertson dot com has a sluttiness factor of -84.67! He really needs to get laid.

#54536: IAMB — 12/20  at  09:25 PM
If it makes anyone feel any better about themselves, my url scored just below Jessica Simpson at 93.98%

What's in a name anyway?

#54539: The Chemist — 12/20  at  09:56 PM
Holy crap. I am sluttier than Jessica Simpson by a full percentage point.

I must say "fuck" a lot! Should I be happy or sad about this?

#54541: The Chemist — 12/20  at  09:59 PM
Oh, and I'm a physical chemist by the way. So I am a nerd, but I'm an obscene nerd.

#54542: Merg — 12/20  at  10:02 PM
Rah! My own (group) blog scored 96.75%

And we're a bunch of (mostly, anyway) geeks -- I'm so proud!

#54544: — 12/20  at  10:07 PM
62.05% (154500 / 249000)

50% (1070000 / 2140000)

13.23% (9700 / 73300)

6.87% (180000 / 2620000)

-2.8% (-300000 / 10700000)

21.13% (22400 / 106000)

What does it all mean when pharyngula is less slutty than so many venerable public institution, unvenerable institutions, but more slutty than the whore at the DI?

I think it means we are having more fun!!!!!!!!!!!

So much for ignorance being bliss.

#54547: Martha — 12/20  at  10:20 PM
-1927.23% (-127390 / 6610)

I don't even know what that means...

#54552: — 12/20  at  10:45 PM
-52352.83% (-41620500 / 79500)


#54566: — 12/21  at  12:00 AM
Hey, Pharyngula debunks garbage - garbage which is slutty and pimps deities. Combine this with invertebrate sex/porn and it's unsurprising the "slutometer" hits the roof!

#54568: — 12/21  at  12:27 AM
I got negative eighty-two. Negative eighty-two.

I'm not even sure that's physically possible.

#54570: Mary Kay — 12/21  at  12:35 AM
Hey! I'm married to a physicist you know. They may be nerds but they're darn cute nerds.


#54572: Ocellated — 12/21  at  12:43 AM
Just to point out... You seem to be a whole lot more promiscuous if you use a domain suffix like .com or .org.

Just Pharyngula by itself gives a rating of only 5.18%

Sorry PZ. Guess you're a little more family friendly that you hoped.

#54573: No More Mr. Nice Guy! — 12/21  at  12:43 AM
I must be the least slutty person here: -87.39%! Oh my god, the embarrassment, I'll never live it down...

#54582: — 12/21  at  02:18 AM
Hmm. Odd - (which so far I use only for the odd email) gets 11.78% and (which is only parked) gets a full 100% slut rating. While I may personally warrant the latter score I'm not wholly convinced that this system is entirely reliable.

#54605: — 12/21  at  09:11 AM
Promiscuity: 0.49% (1000000 / 205000000)

Promiscuity: 5.14% (190000 / 3700000)

Owned pl0x

Oh and a plug for us TE's

theisitic evolution
Promiscuity: 0% (0 / 96)
Apparently belief isn't popular enough to be slutty... maybe I can get the guys from ICR or DI to slut me up a little =D

In other news, my Girlfriend is -1.04% slutty. =D I, on the other hand, and over 7.14% (making me over 3 times as slutty as PZ)

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