
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The 31st meeting of the Tangled Bank Society

The Tangled Bank

We have a new edition of the Tangled Bank online, and the host, David Winter of Science & Sensibility, has introduced a much-needed innovation: refreshment and lunch breaks. You'll need them.

I'll also mention that the Tangled Bank homepage has been revised. It's still a little rough, but the most important feature is now enabled: a Tangled Bank newsfeed that will carry these announcements about new and upcoming editions.

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#30299: marco pozzana — 06/29  at  11:08 AM
very good, I'll be back!

#30314: — 06/29  at  01:42 PM
Hy, this is pretty cool. a summer camp for atheist kids. I've been thinking lately, that one reason atheism/humanism isn't taking off, is because we lack institutions.

And by the way, if you don't think that's a good idea, how do you explain PYGMIES AND DWARVES!!!!!!!!??????

#30318: — 06/29  at  03:06 PM
LOL Thanks Steve ... I almost forgot about PYGMIES and DWARVES.

#30323: — 06/29  at  03:37 PM
Lacking institutions is a good thing though. Institutions tend to lead to institutional corruption and incompetence (beyond that of mere individuals). I blame the humans involved as it's unlikely to be the fault of the bricks and pieces of paper. Science seems to be the only (conceptual) institution which actively seeks to expose and stamp out any corruption or incompetence (whether individual or institutional). Other institutions foster, promote and cover up these problems.

#30324: — 06/29  at  03:45 PM
SEF, I think that is a bit too cynical, even in my eyes. The institution of Pharyngula allows a group of us to share common and conflicting thoughts, including atheism. Christianity is a constant presence to the children of the US, even if their families are only mildly religious. Where should the children of atheists go for support and comraderie?

While I have no interest in the feared 'church of atheism' I do believe that youngsters ought to have someplace to go where skepticism is encouraged.

#30336: — 06/29  at  05:18 PM
even if their families are only mildly religious
While you may not like it, families are another corrupt institution - even without Christianity dragging them down further. Families will usually commit all sorts of dishonest acts to protect their own from the rightful consequences of their misdeeds - even to the extent that the law is forced to acknowledge it (with wives and husbands).

youngsters ought to have someplace to go where skepticism is encouraged

That's supposed to be school! Or at least the higher levels of the science part of it...

NB The camp institution looks to be a rather peculiar American phenomenon anyway (although, like the MacDonalds etc infections, it's spreading back to here too).

Trackback: The 31st meeting of the Tangled Bank Society Tracked on: tangledbank ( at 2005 06 29 23:54:59
Did someone notify the authorities:...

#30386: tony g — 06/30  at  12:24 AM
back on the topic of Tangled Bank, i'd like to volunteer to host sometime in the future -- post-september would be best.

tony g

Trackback: New Tangled Bank Tracked on: tangledbank ( at 2005 07 01 07:41:02
The 31st edition of The Tangled Bank science/nature blog carnival has been posted at Science & Sensibility. This time, the format resembles an academic conference. I submitted my post "Contact from Belize" and it made the list (I don't...

Trackback: berlin md hotels Tracked on: tangledbank ( at 2005 10 31 02:03:41
You may find it interesting to check out some helpful info in the field of cheap hotels berlin

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