That one is over
It's official. Dover school board has rescinded their creationist policy.
Dover's much-maligned school policy of presenting "intelligent design" as an alternative to evolution was officially relegated to the history books Tuesday night.
On a voice vote, and with no discussion beforehand, the newly elected Dover Area School Board unanimously rescinded the policy. Two weeks earlier, a judge ruled the policy unconstitutional.
"This is it," new school board president Bernadette Reinking said Tuesday, indicating the vote was final and the case was closed.
That is, the court case and school board policy are settled. There's still the little matter of the great simmering mass of creationists out there, looking for the next chance to introduce their dogma into public education. In that same issue of the York Daily Record, here's a letter to the editor.
Evolution believers will be damned
Jan 3, 2006 — About the Dover biology case: To my dear Christian brothers and sisters, I would say this: Wake up and get real. Judge Jones was absolutely right when he concluded that proponents of intelligent design "cannot uncouple themselves from its creationist antecedents" and that "the teaching of evolution is not antithetical to a belief in the existence of a supreme being and to religion in general."
So wake up. No matter how much we would like to pretend otherwise, evolution is supported by the vast majority of this society's lawmakers, scientists, professors, religious leaders and other poor ungodly blinded individuals. Yes, wake up and smell the sulphur.
Until the next case…
The letter-writer doesn't seem to know what antithetical means.