
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Stop the presses! Breaking news!

Red State Rabble visits the Grand Canyon! Big, big news—it isn't less than 10,000 years old! Creationists off in their estimates by a few hundred million years!

Oh, wait…creationists wrong? That isn't news. Still, it looks like a fun vacation.

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#30131: — 06/28  at  09:06 AM
Does this mean the youngest strata aren't on the bottom and the oldest strata aren't on the top as the creationists also claim??? Say it ain't so!

#30160: Socar — 06/28  at  10:28 AM
More science, less fencing with the unarmed! C'mon. Hop to it. Tell us something about cnidarians, or maybe cricetids. Or--or both, one right after the other. Or go all the way from "aardvark" to "zooplankton".

How about a weekly creationist feature, instead, where you gather up all the most egregious ones, and roast 'em in a communal bonfire? That would free up the rest of your time for giving us what we love.

On the other hand, it IS your site.

#30246: coturnix — 06/28  at  07:10 PM
Well, Tangled Bank is tomorrow - lots of good science reads...

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