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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Samantha Bee in Dover

Hey, Daily Show fans—they're going to have a segment on Dover this week:

Correspondent Samantha Bee spent the day in the area reporting on what it's like to live in a town that, according to televangelist Pat Robertson, has been forsaken by God for voting out school board members who supported including intelligent design in the high school biology curriculum, said Matt Polidoro, a producer with the show.

The piece is expected to air next week.

I hope I've crawled out from under this mountain of grading and prep work in time to catch it.

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#53462: — 12/11  at  06:48 PM
Doesn't Robertson know that ID is a scientific replicontheory that has nothing to do with religion?

#53465: spencer — 12/11  at  07:57 PM
Samantha Bee is hot.

#53468: — 12/11  at  08:50 PM
Don't sweat it PZ! The Daily Show has downloadable segments on their website!

#53475: — 12/11  at  09:49 PM
Our host says:
I hope I've crawled out from under this mountain of grading and prep work in time to catch it.
Well, I know I won't be out from under grading. Plus, we don't get that channel in our basic cable plan. But I'm sure it will be totally hysterical for some people..

#53479: — 12/11  at  10:34 PM
Suppose O'Reilly will feature it on his show as another example of the evil secularists? ...a year from now?

#53571: arensb — 12/12  at  03:31 PM
I thought Samantha was taking a leave of absence (or something) from the show because she's pregnant. I guess we'll find out.

See y'all at Osama's homo-bortion pot-and-commie jizzporium!

#53618: No More Mr. Nice Guy! — 12/12  at  09:49 PM
Samantha Bee appeared briefly on the DS recently and she looked about 15 months pregnant. I hope she's popped by now.

#53671: arensb — 12/13  at  10:05 AM
I hope she's popped by now.

I think I heard she was due in January.
Best of luck to the entire family!

#53769: Steinn Sigurdsson — 12/14  at  04:13 PM
She is the perfect candidate for President. Or she would be, if she weren't Canadian.
But, she'd make a good junior Senator from Pennsylvania. Appeals to the Undecided Voter, you know.

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