Open Thread
Since the last one has scrolled off the main page…
Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic: Reed Cartwright has recommended Squidbillies to me. Is it because he likes Georgia rednecks or because I like squid?
{if ""!=""} {/if}Pharyngula has moved to
Since the last one has scrolled off the main page…
Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic: Reed Cartwright has recommended Squidbillies to me. Is it because he likes Georgia rednecks or because I like squid?
{if ""!=""} {/if}The scientific viewpoint that a creature doesn't exist until someone with the right qualifications has made an official classification can become absurd, particularly when the local community have been aware of an "unrecognized" species for generations. In the case of the mimic octopus, when, after five weeks without success, the crew decided to ask the Indonesian locals if they recognised the creature in the photographs, the first word they said was "bagus" which roughly translates as "mmm tasty".
Have people been doing this sort of thing? How could I find out?
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{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} A vile show.
Now the Venture Brothers are good stuff. Hope Season 2 starts soon... {/if}
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