Nancy Levant, professional crazy lady
Oh, thanks for nothing, Red State Rabble. You just had to highlight the existence of Nancy Levant, certifiable kook and religious raver. This is scary stuff, at least it is if there are a significant number of people who believe Levant should not be sent home and told to rant quietly, and quit bothering people. She's convince that we're in the middle of a great war between Good and Evil—she weds conspiracy theories with End Times religious nuttiness.
For several hundred years, a cabal of the godless has conspired to rule the Earth with a bank-based global government. They desire to own all natural resources on the planet, and they want to very specifically eliminate all but the very few of their choosing.
They are also responsible for programming that slutty Desperate Housewives show, and have a few other nefarious plans.
They intend to eliminate at least half, if not three-quarters of the human population using manufactured and financed wars, plagues, and other scientifically orchestrated catastrophes. They intend to enforce a global taxation system, which will guarantee the massive wealth and power of the very few and force mankind into what appears to be a pharmaceutically imposed enslavement. Any and all dissenters will be put to death.
What I'd like to know is how Nancy Levant knows all this…are there subliminal messages in Desperate Housewives that lay all of this out?
Or maybe she just read the Republican Party platform.
She's also terribly confused. She has somehow got it in her head that atheists are dupes who actually belong with the People of Faith, but that the Lucifer-worshipping Illuminati are the truly godless, amoral evil ones.
No matter what your spiritual leaning, the battle between good and evil has arrived. It doesn’t take a spiritual genius to realize that the great test of faith is upon mankind, because the antithesis of faith has captured control of the world’s nations. It’s called evil. If you are of the Judeo-Christian understanding, you have a mission, a calling, and faith that the universal war was immanent. You have a path to follow. If you are atheist, you have to trust in mankind. But the problem for atheists is that mankind is now controlled by dedicated Luciferians. Therefore, you follow a group who leads by faith. Therefore, I suggest to the world’s atheists that you reconsider humankind’s historical situation.
OK, consider it reconsidered. My considered consideration is that listening to nutjobs like Levant who babble about "demons" and divide the world into a humanity-destroying Evil and Good People whose defining characteristic is that they have faith in invisible sky fairies is probably the real problem.
If you are of the Judeo-Christian understanding
New rule: no one is allowed to say "Judeo-Christian" when they just mean "Christian"
Also, anyone who says "of the Judeo-Christian understanding" looses the right to have anyone listen to them ever.