
Monday, September 19, 2005

Face and voice made for blogging, talent on loan from the primordial slime


About my weekend in NY…I was invited to participate in a new grassroots media effort, evolvetv (more here). It's an extremely cool idea, recruiting some well-known people from the weblog world to have honest video conversations about issues in which they have expertise. They were taping segments with Juan Cole, Markos Moulitsas, Atrios, and umm, well, me. It's exalted company I was keeping—I was interviewed by Duncan Black—and I'm rather concerned that my dorkitude is going to appear amplified in contrast. The programs are going to be available online over the course of the next few weeks at evolvetv, and Steve Garfield, that ur-videoblogger from NY, was there taping some "Making of…" stuff, so there may also be other videos available.

If you don't believe me, Skatje was hanging out at The Tank with me, and will back me up, and see? Pictures!


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#40598: — 09/19  at  08:23 AM
Uh, don't take this personally, but this pirate shit is pretty lame.

#40599: — 09/19  at  08:28 AM
Arrrr! EvolveTV. That be nothin' as compared to a face transplant. Did ya escape with a chest o booty?

#40601: — 09/19  at  08:54 AM
Arr! So, EvolveTV be doin' more than revolvin'? I be clickin' the link thar many a month ago, and 'tweren't nothin' but landlubbin' animation.

(Avast! Methought the codewords would be in pirate-speak today, but what the bloody bilgewater be "allele"? Arr...)

#40605: — 09/19  at  09:35 AM
Methought th' codewords would be in pirate-speak today, but what th' bloody bilgewater be "allele"?

Yarrrrrr! It be allele as in "I'll have allele o' the rum afore I runs ya through with me cutlass!"

#40609: The Commissar — 09/19  at  09:49 AM
"Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /var/www/ on line 31
Too many connections"

Arrrgh! It be seeeming that Cap'n Karl the Rover has done scuttled yer scurvy Leftie site.

#40610: bill — 09/19  at  09:51 AM
Arrrrr, it be a well known fact that th' TV will add ye 10 pounds o' dorkitude if an ounce!

Avoid ye horizontal stripes, and favor ye pirate flag black.

#40616: — 09/19  at  10:23 AM
Talkin' like a pirate be a grand ol' time, but ye need to commit, lad! "Honest video conversations about issues in which they have real expertise"? What true sea dog e'er coughed up such a stream of stomached kelp as that? Yar!

#40617: Blogtopus — 09/19  at  10:34 AM
Ahoy! I get it, Arrggh, do I! Ye're tryin' ta lower the global temperature back ta normal, ain't ye! 'Cause as Ye verrry well be kennin', the decline a Pirates be causin' the terrrible Global Warmin'! FSM says so, Bless his noodly appendages.

#40620: Phila — 09/19  at  10:50 AM
Arr. Stab me dead if it don't do me black heart good t' see ye blinkin' lib'ral bloggers a-leveragin' yer world-class skill sets 'n' achievin' synergy! It be the only way to win greater market share, and the wine, wenches, and doubloons that come wi' it!

#40623: — 09/19  at  11:00 AM
Duncan "Open Thread" Black is "exalted"? That's a good one.

#40627: Phoenix Woman — 09/19  at  11:16 AM
Arrrr! First Neo-Nazi Religio-Racist-Right troll sighting, Cap'n! Thar it blows!

And congratulations on makin' the big time, Cap'n Myers!

#40635: — 09/19  at  12:47 PM
Okay, I'm going to assume that the guy on the right is Atrios, rather than a random guy you photographed because nobody here would know how Atrios really looks.

On the other hand, I hope this exposure doesn't ruin you. I don't particularly like Eschaton or Daily Kos or Political Animal, largely because they're too generic. Your strengths are your scientific perspective and your focus on issues of science and religion without blabbering about how Jesus was a liberal. Don't let a horde of readers interested in general Bush-bashing compromise your quality.

#40637: — 09/19  at  01:12 PM
Well, Alon -- if that really is your name -- perhaps you should descend from the lofty heights from where you look down upon Atrios, Political Animal, Kos and their readers and their alleged generalness of outlook. Once at an altitude with higher oxygen content you might recognize and correct your generally pompous and narrow minded attitudes.

#40641: — 09/19  at  01:42 PM
I'm sorry to inform you that the world doesn't end at the United States' borders. There are people outside the USA and languages other than English. If I were French it would be natural for my parents to name me Jean-Paul or Pierre. Given that I'm Israeli, they named me Alon.

#40643: — 09/19  at  01:53 PM

A handy tool when suspecting that a poster is a poseur is to salt your riposte with an easily refuted irrelevancy so as to give the suspected poseur a choice: he/she can take the bait and respond triumphantly to the irrelvancy or he/she can brush it off and deal with the real subject at hand. By taking the bait and identifying yourself I now know that I can safely ignore any future posts you choose to make without fear of missing anyting pertinent. Thanks for the info.

#40651: pough — 09/19  at  03:14 PM
Arr! I be missing which post of Ivor the Engine Driver's has what he be describin' as "real subject at hand"! And I be chortlin' greatly at the bit where he said "I now know that I can safely ignore any future posts you choose to make", since that be description fair of how I feel about him! Ye start things off with a right disrespectin' of Talk Like a Pirate Day, move on to demeaning Alon's opinions and name for no reason that be apparent, then finish it off with a bit about Alon being a poseur!

Haaar! Maybe that be the subject at hand! Alon be a pompous and narrow-minded poseur, with his head a way up in the clouds. Subject at hand, now, Alon. Be free with your comments and step lively!

#40665: skippy — 09/19  at  05:32 PM
when's talk like a bush kangaroo day?

#40672: John Wilkins — 09/19  at  06:30 PM
Tch tch tch!

John S. Wilkins :

#40673: skippy — 09/19  at  06:33 PM
thanks, john!

#40682: — 09/19  at  07:19 PM
The production values are right out of 8th grade AV class. Now all you need is that guy that narrated all those Disney science movies with camera-induced stutter. Fix it!

#40693: — 09/19  at  10:03 PM
Two of my favorite bloggers in the same room.

I would love to share a beer with you guys sometime. And yes, I am nicer in person. Better looking too.

#40696: — 09/19  at  11:21 PM
A handy tool when suspecting that a poster is a poseur is to salt your riposte with an easily refuted irrelevancy

Or, you could do better and do what you did and include two easily refuted irrelevancies.

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