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Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Apostropher mentions that some people find this picture of a one-eyed kitty unbelievable. Should I mention one of my little hobbies?

I do some work on holoprosencephaly. That kind of cyclopia is fairly common, and here are a few pictures to back that up.


At the top left is a zebrafish larva with ethanol-induced cyclopia, and a control below it. Top right are some sheep skulls—the top one is a case of natural holoprosencephaly, induced by a teratogen found in plants of the genus Veratrum (Mama Sheep ate some bad weeds during her pregnancy). The bottom picture is a row of rabbit pups that were intentionally exposed to that same teratogen, and all were born with that weird one-eyed look.

I've got a set of procedures that allow me to generate one-eyed fish at will. The agents responsible seem to muck up signal transduction at the midline in early development; my particular interest is in tracking down the patterns of cell death and aberrant cell migrations that produce the final phenotype. So, the one-eyed baby animal is a common sight around here, and the kitten is actually a rather uninteresting example: I like animals where I have access to the whole process of eye and face development in a petri dish, without have to chop into a bloody messy uterus to see it.

Oh, and my one-eyed fish don't make it to adulthood. Changes to the facial midline disrupt primary blood flow rather catastrophically, and they only last a week to ten days, with diminished circulation in the body and an unfortunately inflating heart and pericardium—their hearts actually explode.

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#57496: — 01/11  at  01:26 PM
Oooo, I wouldn't tell the animal rights folks!!

#57498: — 01/11  at  01:32 PM
Kittens are generally born with their eyes shut. Why is this one's eye open if it's only one day old?

#57501: Mrs Tilton — 01/11  at  01:35 PM
And some people say there is no such thing as synchronicity. There I was, reading a Christmas present, Sean Carroll's Endless Forms Most Beautiful -- thanks, O Best Sister-in-Law in the World! -- and saw the piccie of the cyclops lamb on page 39. And that very same day I follow Norbizness's link to the cyclopokitty and read that people were all sceptical about it, and I was like, oh, so you've never seen pregnant mama cats eating V. californicum before???!!!

Or maybe the cyclopokitties' mamas eat sheep who've eaten the weed; or maybe they are the offspring of Uranus and Gaia.

#57504: coturnix — 01/11  at  01:54 PM
My old vet school had a large museum of preserved terratologies and cyclopsy was the most common one, found in pretty much all domestic animals. Really cool!

#57505: Caspar — 01/11  at  01:56 PM
how about a cat or fish with three eyes? now that would be something.

#57506: — 01/11  at  01:56 PM
I've got a set of procedures that allow me to generate one-eyed fish at will.

This is the greatest sentance ever written in the English language.

#57509: — 01/11  at  02:03 PM
PZ, does this condition invariably lead to death within hours or days for mammalian infants, as well? (Could this kitten possibly have survived for any length of time, in other words?).

#57515: Evan Murdock — 01/11  at  02:22 PM
Kittens are generally born with their eyes shut. Why is this one's eye open if it's only one day old?


Eyelids are also generally absent in such births, which explains why the eye of the one-day-old kitten pictured above is open even though cats are usually born with their eyes shut and remain in that condition for the first week or two of their lives.


#57516: flyingcamel — 01/11  at  02:23 PM
Frumious- the condition generally results in the eyelid being absent, so the kitten's eye would be permanently open.

#57517: coturnix — 01/11  at  02:33 PM
Is this a two-day-premature Friday Cat Blogging? Modulator is going to love it for the Friday Ark, too, I bet...

Trackback: Poor Cyclops Kitty :( :( Tracked on: I Love Everything ( at 2006 01 11 14:53:47
More: Apostropher mentions that some people find this picture of a one-eyed kitty unbelievable. Should I mention one of my little hobbies? I do some work on holoprosencephaly. That kind of cyclopia is fairly common, and here are a few pictures to bac...

#57520: — 01/11  at  03:14 PM
Show this picture to all those Intelligent Design would Dembski et al. explain away developmental mistakes like this poor little kitty?

"If it turns out that there is a God, I don't think that he's evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever."--Woody Allen

#57525: — 01/11  at  03:49 PM

PZ: I've got a set of procedures that allow me to generate one-eyed fish at will.

Epat: This is the greatest sentance ever written in the English language.

It would go well with: "I have a large supply of fissionable materials" (from SF short story Who Can Replace a Man)

#57526: Mrs Tilton — 01/11  at  03:52 PM
how about a cat or fish with three eyes? now that would be something.

You've never visited Springfield, I take it.

Can't help you with the cat, though.

#57527: — 01/11  at  03:53 PM

PZ: I've got a set of procedures that allow me to generate one-eyed fish at will.

Epat: This is the greatest sentance ever written in the English language.

It would go well with: "I have a large supply of fissionable materials" (from SF short story Who Can Replace a Man IIRC)

#57530: — 01/11  at  04:09 PM
Show this picture to all those Intelligent Design would Dembski et al. explain away developmental mistakes like this poor little kitty?
Well, you know, intelligent people make mistakes, so why not the designer? An omnipotent designer wouldn't make that mistake, but the idjits aren't talking about an omnipotent least not some of the time.

Nope, the IDer is a screw-up just like you and me. You know, in his image and all that jazz...

#57532: — 01/11  at  04:15 PM
God doesn't micro-manage his creation, he gave it all to us humans to manage from the start. This abnormality and all others reflect the managers more than the creator!

#57533: — 01/11  at  04:27 PM
Nope, the IDer is a screw-up just like you and me. You know, in his image and all that jazz...

So, can we start calling ID "Incompetent Design?"

I'm sure someone's done this, but it still sounds good to me.


#57537: fish — 01/11  at  04:49 PM
How about a cat or a fish with three eyes?

I can show you a fruitfly with extra eyes:

Turns out it is not so hard to make either...

Trackback: Threescore Times Ten Million Years Ago, Our Forefathers Tracked on: Frothing at the Mouth ( at 2006 01 11 16:50:57
Holy fuck, there's an Ediacaran chordate! More on the Panda's Thumb, including: [Y]ou can see grooves that record the record the muscle bands [...] there are now 18 of these fossils described, preserved in every possible orientation, so they know...

#57542: — 01/11  at  05:02 PM
God doesn't micro-manage his creation, he gave it all to us humans to manage from the start. This abnormality and all others reflect the managers more than the creator!
Wait. So it's up to us to oversee the reproduction of, what, every organism on the planet? Why didn't the designer tell us? We could've gotten a jumpstart on this biology thing millenia ago. But I guess there's been a communication breakdown from the start...

#57545: — 01/11  at  05:09 PM
This post has been a treasure chest of great sentences. The one-eyed fissionable material, of course. And my current fave, "Holy fuck, there's an Ediacaran chordate!"

You folks make my day. Oh, and parting thought--the person who posted the cyclopokitty pic called it adorable? Not even. I haven't seen a...nah. I won't cheapen this fine site.

#57549: Jon D. Moulton — 01/11  at  05:44 PM
A Morpholino oligo can induce a nifty phenocopy of the zebrafish one-eyed pinhead (oep) mutation. Since the oligo can knock down maternal transcript as well as zygotic transcript, you can get a more extreme phenotype than a natural mutant, with functional its maternal transcript, can produce. For an image, see slide # 32 in the PowerPoint presentation available at:

#57551: — 01/11  at  06:06 PM
If this is the best God can do, I'm not impressed.
-- George Carlin, Napalm & Silly Putty (2001) ††

#57554: Martin Wagner — 01/11  at  06:28 PM
Poor little fella. Got a real lousy hand from the bottom of the DNA deck. Oh well, another nail in the ID wait, it's not! Apparently it's all our fault! Gee, thanks for clearing that up, Wiselder!

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