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Friday, December 30, 2005

Christmas romance

Awwww. Even scientists get mushy.

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#55710: — 12/30  at  10:10 AM
We interrupt this mush-fest for an important religious announcement:

I'm sick of you flaming atheists questioning whether Jesus Christ ever actually existed. The answer is Yes, and he lives in New York City

#55729: — 12/30  at  11:52 AM
Bbbbbut it can't be a real marriage unless they get married in a church, right? Right?

I'm a little envious -- I loved a diamond-and-sapphire ring and wanted it for my engagement ring. I ended up inheriting my grandmother's gorgeous ring, but I still get a little pang when I see sapphire rings.

#55732: — 12/30  at  11:57 AM
She mentioned this was their first Xmas together. So engagement within one year. That's fast. I tend to think you need to go through at least 3 good years before you can commit to marriage, but then again many couples prove that wrong.

#55749: charlie wagner — 12/30  at  01:21 PM
Who Is This Man?

A little New Years fun for all....
Clue: I've personally met him.
He's dead.
He's listed in Wikipedia
He was born is Sasnak.

Happy New Year to all.
I'll spare you my New Years Eve story but you can read it here:

#55755: — 12/30  at  02:27 PM
"Even scientists get mushy"?????

PZ, c'mon, you get mushy about some invertebrate at least once a week. The only oddity is that you posted something to do with vertebrate, rather than invertebrate, mating rituals.

's avatar #55756: PZ Myers — 12/30  at  02:35 PM
I know. Kinky, huh?

PZ Myers
Division of Science and Math
University of Minnesota, Morris

#55765: — 12/30  at  03:14 PM
Louis Moondog Hardin

#55775: charlie wagner — 12/30  at  05:31 PM
Nash wrote:

"Louis Moondog Hardin"


Don't you think it looks like Darwin? Or Marx?

#55963: BotanicalGirl — 01/02  at  02:39 PM
Thanks for the link PZ smile

Horticulture: We've been together a year and a half actually, since May 2004. Last Christmas I went home to NY and he stayed in CA and we celebrated with respective families.

Regardless, it is a little fast but I have no doubts. smile

#56127: Michael Herdegen — 01/03  at  10:03 PM
Myself and three of my brothers and sisters got married to people that we'd known less than a year - in some cases, much less than a year.

So far, the marriages have lasted between six and fourteen years, with no divorces, and one close-to-divorce, but saved by John Gray. [!!! Whatever works, I guess...]

Knowing someone for a long time is no guarantee of future success, especially once you officially close the escape hatch.

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