
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Med/Sci carnival notice!

The Tangled Bank

Pagin' all medbloggers…please report t' Parallel Universes fer Grand Rounds. All science bloggers—yer attention is required at Creek Runnin' North, which is now acceptin' submissions fer th' Tangled Bank, appearin' tomorrow.

Trackback url: http://tangledbank.net/index/trackback/2706/

#34619: Drunken Lagomorph — 08/09  at  11:49 PM
I'm not intellectual enough fer th' med bloggers. At me last job as a medical writer I may have had some valuable blog entry t' contribute. But now I'm back t' direct patient care, and "Guess what this one inmate said t' me tonight as I were bein' givin' meds at th' jail!" just isn't scientific enough, ye scurvey dog. ;)

#34635: tony g — 08/10  at  02:43 AM
i'd be up fer hostin' Tangled Bank late Sept or later.


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