
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Good fer th' Strib!

I bash journalists all th' time here, I know, but I actually think th' Minneapolis Star Tribune is mostly a pretty good newspaper—they've managed t' avoid th' barkin' mad Foxification o' th' media (with some exceptions; <cough, hack>Katherine Kersten…what were they thinkin'?), and I think 'tis probably safe t' lay th' credit on havin' some good, principled people on staff. Their deputy editorial page editor, Jim Boyd, has just won a major award.

On Dec, ye scurvey dog. 8 at a State Department ceremony, Jim Boyd, deputy editorial page editor at th' Star-Tribune in Minneapolis, were bein' awarded th' 2005 Arthur Ross media award by th' American Academy o' Diplomacy, "fer critical, perceptive and non-partisan commentary on th' policies o' governments and international organizations, reflectin' exhaustive research, a willingness t' tell truth t' power and a consistent appreciation fer th' importance o' cooperation among nations." Previous winners include Jim Lehrer and Anne Garrels.

I've had a few brief conversations with Boyd in th' past year, so I know one important thin': he be on th' side o' Truth and Beauty and Reason in th' evolution wars. As Norwegianity points out, th' Three Stooges at Powerline also hate that scurvey dog t' pieces…so ye know he be got t' be a good lubber. So, credit where credit is due: th' Strib has at least one good journalist workin' fer them (and I'm sure there are others, with whose work I am less familiar), by Blackbeard's sword. May they, and every newspaper across th' land, acquire many more.

{if ""!=""} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53678: — 12/13  at  10:57 AM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} I wonder how many subscriptions th' Star Tribune gained as a result o' Boyd's steadfast willingness t' be candid and note th' pattern o' misleadership comin' out o' th' Bush White House and th' Republican-controlled Congress? I'll bet 'tis a lot more than 200. And what a weasel Norm Coleman is, but I think we all here knew that t' be th' case already. {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if TRUE} 's avatar {/if} #53696: DouglasG — 12/13  at  12:51 PM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} Does he get a special lamp t' put in his window like this one?

With Katherine Kersten on staff, I have lost a great deal o' respect fer th' paper. Perhaps I'll get it back, but it'll be a tough sea. {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if "Douglas E. Gogerty ----- "No, I'm from Iowa. I just work in outer space." -James T. Kirk"}

Douglas E. Gogerty
“No, I’m from Iowa. I just work in outer space.”
-James T. Kirk


{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53718: jfaberuiuc — 12/13  at  04:52 PM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} While we're praisin' newpapers, good fer th' NYTimes as well, at least fer today:

Monkeys solve puzzle better than minnows, at least in one respect, or, in other words, ye may be insultin' simians when ye call yer minnows yer "little monkeys"?

Narwhals' tusks are extremely highly enervated, just imagine th' case o' brain-freeze we would get sometimes if similarly equipped. {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53725: — 12/13  at  06:29 PM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} Yeah, but dern't they also employ Lileks?

If so, that's about a hundred-point penalty. {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53728: — 12/13  at  08:22 PM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} The Star Tribune has one o' th' best copy editors in th' business: James Foti. {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53731: — 12/13  at  09:17 PM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} spencer, th' Star Tribune has th' great and good sense not t' publish Lileks unintentionally self-insultin' political humor, which thankfully appears elsewhere. {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53738: Steve Bates — 12/13  at  11:37 PM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} Jim Lehrer? Would that be th' same Jim Lehrer who referred t' liberals as "moaners" and "whiners" unfit t' appear on his show? Why would anyone want t' appear on a list with that scurvey dog? {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53739: Pinko Punko — 12/14  at  01:18 AM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} PZ!!!!! Is that gun-cake frostin' on yer mouth?? I thought ye were gradin' papers, and here ye are eatin' gun cake. Fire the cannons! For shame!

I always think o' Jefferson Airplane when I go t' th' other side. "Logic and proportion dern't mean anythin' at all" {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53743: buck — 12/14  at  08:12 AM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE}
While we're praisin' newpapers, good fer th' NYTimes as well, at least fer today:

Monkeys solve puzzle better than minnows, at least in one respect, or, in other words, ye may be insultin' simians when ye call yer minnows yer "little monkeys"? Yaaarrrrr!

So th' one thin' they seem t' be even better than humans at involves changin' th' course o' action based on new evidence, ye scurvey dog?

I think we owe our primate cousins a deep and unqualified apology...fer callin' Bush Chimpy. grin {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53749: — 12/14  at  11:32 AM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} I had occasion t' learn that there are several wingers protestin' Mr, and a bottle of rum, to be sure! Boyd receivin' this award. They are makin' their displeasure known via email. I have sent a short note o' support o' Mr, me beauty. Boyd t' th' American Academy o' Diplomacy at statin' that in th' era o' "he said - she said" journalism I find his writin' refreshin'. Mr. Boyd is not afraid t' find th' facts behind th' spin and include those in his opinions.

LM Wanderer {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if ""} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53770: arensb — 12/14  at  05:05 PM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE}
Jim Boyd, has just won a major award.

What, one o' these?:

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

{if FALSE} Trackback: Good for the Strib! Tracked on: () at {trackback_date format="%Y %m %d %H:%i:%s"} {/if} {if TRUE} {if FALSE} {/if} #53815: — 12/15  at  01:31 PM {/if}
{if FALSE} {/if} {if TRUE} That were bein' an unfortunate link t' th' antiKersten site, weren't it? {/if}

{if FALSE} {/if} {if signature} {/if}

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