Idea: How To Add House Plants To Your Aquarium

Aquariums are beautiful to look at and can be a great addition to any home, office, or classroom. 

Not only do they provide a place for fish to live and thrive, but they can also be used as a learning tool to teach children about aquatic life. 

If you’re looking for a way to enhance your aquarium even further, consider adding house plants.

There are many different kinds of plants that can be put in an aquarium, but it’s important to choose plants that will thrive in a watery environment. 

Some good options include Java ferns, Anubias barteri, and mosses. These plants are all easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions.

Another option for adding plants to your aquarium is to use house plants that grow underwater. 

These plants can be a great way to add some color and variety to your tank. Some good choices include water lilies, lotus plants, and Brazilian pennywort.

Best house plants for aquarium You can find many great options for adding a green, life-filled habitat to your fish tank. 

Just be sure to research what kind of water conditions they need in order to survive so you don’t harm your fish or house plant. 

Additionally, some house plants may require special lighting or growing conditions that aren’t suitable for what your fish need or what a traditional house plant requires.

When choosing plants for your aquarium, it’s important to keep the size of the tank in mind. 

You don’t want to choose plants that will outgrow the tank or overcrowd it. Also, be sure to research the water conditions that each plant needs in order to thrive.

Adding plants to your aquarium can be a great way to enhance its appearance and help create a healthy environment for your fish. 

Consider your options before adding them to ensure that you choose plants that will do well in this unique environment.

Aquarium Plants

House plants are often an overlooked part of the aquarium process. But what many people don’t know is that you can add live, vibrant aquatic plant life to your tank which will help with filtration and give your tank a natural appearance.  

Some plants that can be added to an aquarium include:

- Water lilies are beautiful aquatic plants that make for attractive house plants. They also help with filtration and aeration, as well as adding beneficial oxygen to the water for your fish’s health. These are low maintenance but need their roots to be partially above the water to grow.

- Lotus plants grow in both fresh and saltwater, making them a versatile choice for your tank. They have large leaves and attractive flowers which will add color and life to your aquarium. 

These plants need plenty of light and space to grow, so make sure you have a large tank if you’re going to add these beauties.

- If you have a smaller tank, consider Brazilian pennywort as your aquarium plant. Although this green, leafy plant can grow up to 3 feet or more in a larger tank, it also thrives at a much shorter length of just 12 inches. 

This hardy plant only grows roots below the water, making it an ideal choice for a smaller tank.

- Anubias barteri is a very popular aquarium plant. It is hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making it an easy choice for those who are new to aquarium plants. 

This plant has long, broad leaves and grows best attached to rocks or driftwood in your tank.

- Water lettuce is a fast-growing plant that thrives in any freshwater aquarium. It has small leaves which grow quite close together, making it look more like moss than an actual plant. 

This plant will propagate via the roots and new plants will sprout up directly next to what you already have planted in the tank. It is self-sustaining and doesn’t need any special care.

- Microsword is a tall, attractive aquarium plant that creates tall grassy patches in your tank. 

These plants produce what look like blades of grass and are perfect for hiding places for smaller fish. 

They also help to reduce the number of algae in your tank by absorbing nutrients from the water column.

- Hemianthus callitrichoides  also goes by the name of “dwarf baby tears.” This aquatic plant is very similar to what you would commonly find in a garden and needs little care to thrive.

 It often turns brown, but don’t be alarmed — this is completely natural and your plant will look green again when it recovers.

- Elodea is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to find at most pet shops. This hardy plant creates what looks like underwater grass, creating an attractive environment for fish to swim through. It also helps with the oxygenation of the water.

- Java fern is a great plant for tank beginners. It can be planted in gravel, driftwood, or even directly into the aquarium glass itself. 

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This fern grows best in low light and will need to be pruned regularly to keep it from making your whole tank look like a dense jungle.

- Any type of moss can be used in your aquarium. These plants are perfect for aquascaping, or arranging your tank to give it a unique look that’s completely natural. Mosses are low maintenance and easy to grow, making them perfect additions to your tank.

- The best way to add plants to your aquarium is by adding a water plant that can be grown in the substrate of your tank

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- If you’re looking to add some color or decoration to an empty tank, house plants are a great option! Just be sure to research what kind of light and water conditions they need in order to survive.

- Live plants can improve the overall health of your fish tank inhabitants by providing them with natural habitat and reducing the number of algae in the tank. 

Some popular plants to consider include Anubias barteri, water lettuce, micro sword, java moss, and java fern.

- Live plants are the best way to decorate your tank because you don’t have to fool around with what kind of materials look good in an aquarium. 

Just let nature do what it does best!

- When adding houseplants to your aquarium, be sure to research what kind of water conditions they need in order to survive. 

Some plants, like Anubis and java fern, can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, while others, like elodea, need very specific growing requirements.

- If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that’s easy to find and grow, try elodea. This hardy plant is a great option for first-time plant owners. 

Just be sure to keep it away from fish that may snack on its leaves!

- A green, peaceful habitat with healthy plants is what every aquarium owner wants. But what about those houseplants you have all over your house? 

Why not put some of them in your tank as well?

All of these plants are perfect for adding color and life to your aquarium while also creating healthy habitats for your fish. But be sure to research the water conditions that each plant needs in order to thrive. You don’t want to add a plant that will just die in your tank because of the wrong environment. 

With a little research and some planning, you can create a beautiful and thriving aquarium with live plants!

And just like any other type of house plant, you need to do plenty of research before adding an aquarium plant. 

Some plants will take off and overtake your tank if you don’t choose the right kind for your size tank. 

Others may require special lighting or extra care that’s not included in what’s needed for a traditional house plant.

Growing plants on top of the aquarium for a more natural look, just be sure to have the lighting and water conditions down pat. 

You don’t want any of your plants to die because they can’t survive what you’ve set up for their environment!

- Although some aquarium plants can adapt to a wide range of conditions, there are still growing requirements that need to be met if you want your plants to thrive

- When adding plants to an aquarium, be sure to research what kind of water conditions they need in order to survive

- Plants can provide many benefits for both aquascaping and the overall health of your fish tank inhabitants. 

Some popular plants to consider include Anubias barteri, water lettuce, micro sword, java moss, and java fern.


Adding live plants to your aquarium can be a great way to improve the aesthetics and health of your tank. Just be sure to do your research before adding any plants, as some have specific water conditions that they need in order to thrive. With a little bit of planning, you can create a thriving and beautiful aquarium with live plants!