10 Ways To Ensure Your Houseplants Will Live Forever

Houseplants are living beings, and they don’t like it when you mistreat them. Since many of the plant’s problems are caused by their owners’ actions, there is no reason to be afraid of your houseplant, just that if you kill it, then it will be all your fault.

This article presents 10 tips on how you can avoid killing houseplants.

1. Water the plants regularly and correctly

When to water:

If your plant is identified as needing moist soil, then water it once the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of soil feels dry to the touch. Those who don’t know which type of soil their specific plants need can just use the “finger test” - just push your index finger into the soil up to the second knuckle. If it feels moist then don’t water, if it’s dry then water until the top half-inch of soil is damp.

2. Watering frequency:

- How often you should water your houseplant depends on many factors, such as the size of the pot, type of soil used, exposure to sun, etc. A good rule of thumb would be that if it’s identified as needing moist soil then water once a week or every other week.

3. Watering methods:

- There are many watering methods you can use but here’s three of the most common:

watering can, water hose with a spray nozzle, or watering wand.

- When using a watering can pour enough water so that it flows out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

- When using a hose with a spray nozzle, hold the hose near the base of the plant and let the water run gently onto the surface of the soil. Don’t let it pour into the pot as that can cause damage to plant roots and possibly even cause cracks in your ceramic pots.

- When using a watering wand, hold it so that water runs through the holes at the top of the wand and sprinkle it over your houseplant’s soil until thoroughly wet.

4. Watering frequency for specific plants:

- Some plants like cactus and succulents need to dry out between waterings, so you should try to give them only small amounts of water every third or fourth week. These types of plants are best kept in an area with bright light but little direct sun.

four potted plants placed near window

5. Don’t over water:

- Over watering is one of the most common ways to kill houseplants and it’s also one of the easiest things to avoid. Just remember that you should only water your plants when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

6. Give your plants the right amount of sun:

- Not all plants need direct sunlight in order to grow, but many do. If you’re not sure whether your plant needs sun or not, just look it up online or in a gardening book. The amount of sun a plant needs also depends on the time of year. In the winter, most plants will need less sun than they would in the summer.

- If you’re having trouble keeping your plants in direct sunlight, then you can try using a plant stand or placing them near a window.

7. Fertilize your plants:

- Houseplants need to be fertilized occasionally in order to stay healthy. You can buy houseplant fertilizer at most garden stores or online.

- Follow the instructions on the fertilizer container, but generally you’ll want to fertilize your plants every other month.

8. Repot your plants when they get too big:

- When a plant has outgrown its pot, it’s time to repot it into a pot that’s one size bigger. You can either use the same pot with a new soil mixture, or you can transfer it to a new pot.

9. Get rid of pests:

- If your houseplants start to develop pests, then there are many ways to get rid of them. One way is to use Neem oil, which is a natural pesticide made from the Neem tree.

- Another way is to use an insecticidal soap, which can be bought at most garden stores.

- Finally, you can also try using a horticultural oil, which is made from plant oils and is safe for use on houseplants.

10. Prune your plants when needed:

- Pruning is a necessary part of plant care, and it’s something that should be done regularly for most plants. You can either prune to maintain the shape of the plant, or you can prune to encourage new growth.

- When pruning a plant, always use clean, sharp scissors or clippers. Cut branches off just above a leaf node, which is where the leaf joins the stem.

- Pruning roots is only necessary for plants that do very well with their roots exposed. You can either prune them or take pieces of root off to use in propagating new plants.